List of Freedom Fighter Events on January-1948

12- January-1948 Gandhiji decides to fast for communal peace in Delhi for communal riots which broke between Hindus and Muslims at Calcutta. Mountbatten fails to dissuade Gandhiji.
15- January-1948 Gandhiji hails Indian Cabinet's decision to release Pakistan dues of Rs. 550 million. Fast continues for establishment of communal peace.
18- January-1948 Gandhi breaks 121-hour fast in New Delhi, after halting of Muslim-Hindu riots in Calcutta. He breaks the fast on security pledges from communal leaders who "Peace Pledge" to Gandhiji.
30- January-1948 Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the spiritual leader of Indian independence, was shot and killed by a Hindu extremist. The 78-year-old Gandhi was shot at point-blank range as he was walking through a garden to a pergola, where he was to deliver his daily prayer meeting.